Where science & social justice converge

Ludar Animal Behavior (“LAB”) offers behavior management, training, and wellness services for a wide variety of species. We use utilize science and focus on fortifying the human-animal bond. By using our knowledge from Ethology (Animal Behavior), Zoology, Psychology, and Neuroethology; we provide humane, practical, and long-term solutions. Whether you are experiencing issues with aggression, need to train your pet to take medications, or want to create better habitats for captive animals, we can help!

In addition to helping pet parents, we also provide educational resources to mental health professionals, social workers, veterinarians, zookeepers, wildlife rehabbers, trainers, groomers, and many others. For animal training philosophies, we adhere to LIMA and the Humane Hierarchy.

Service area: Virtual consults are offered worldwide. In-person services are being offered on a very limited basis due to the global pandemic.

Animals we work with: cats, dogs, ferrets, rabbits, birds, snakes, lizards, pigs, horses, primates, spiders, fishes, manatees, and much more!

Payment Types Accepted: Cash, credit, debit, square, cashapp, venmo or paypal.

Business Info: We are a licensed LLC in the state of Ohio with two, full-time team members. As a collective, we rely on the help of additional volunteers. We are owned and operated by non-dominant identities. If you would like to help support us, please consider making a contribution to our DEIJ Fund. Thank you for your kindness & commitment to implementing practices that promote community-centered solutions.

Additional Services: For our non-animal-specific consultancy work, we provide our lived experience(s) and professional expertise on a wide variety of topics.  We primarily focus on decolonization training for organizations but offer peer support services as well. We provide training to psychologists, social workers, veterinarians, teachers, other animal trainers/behavior professionals, and more (the list is always growing). We utilize an anti-oppression framework rooted primarily in Romani & Indigenous ancestral wisdom to help guide individuals, businesses, and so forth, in developing an in-depth analysis of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, classism, ableism, and ageism. Our goal is to help anyone seeking our expertise learn how to provide an inclusive and affirming space for as many types of identities as possible. Our services are not exclusive to Romani & Indigenous peoples but are shaped primarily by the values within those diverse cultures that we are most familiar with. As such, an emphasis on interconnectedness is present in all things we do. We take pride in being one of the few diversity, equity, and inclusion consultancy collectives that also have an animal welfare background.

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Diverse, inclusive, accepting, welcoming, safe space for everyone